Dream it. Witness it . Enjoy all of it.

Today is the day Josh Sanders and his talented team begin transforming the lay of your land into a beautiful outdoor living space. Together, you’ll create something magical. Satisfaction guaranteed.


Custom designs & installations: Benches, fences, fire pits, landscape lighting, outdoor kitchens, pathways, patios, pergolas, picnic tables, planters, retaining walls, river rock drainages, sheds, sitting walls, walkways, and water features.

Materials: Concrete, hog wire, manmade stone, metal, natural stone, and wood.

Warranties: All work for one year.

Visit our Portfolio page for more visual examples.


Design layouts & installations: Bulbs, flowers, gardens, grass, shrubs, sod, and trees.

Materials: Annuals, fertilizer, hay, mulch, perennials, seed, and selected plantings.

Warranties:  All work for one year.

Note: If Josh installs a permanent irrigation system or a drip line with a timer for plants and/or shrubs, these plantings will also be covered for one year as long as they are free of wildlife or domestic animal destruction. 

Visit our Portfolio page for more visual examples.


Return on Investment: Keep entire landscape attractive, clean, healthy, and safe.

Scheduled Services: Deadhead flowers, eliminate insects, mow, prune shrubs, shape hedges, tend soil, turn over flower beds, water as necessary, and weed prevention & elimination.

Visit our Portfolio page for more visual examples.

Construction Projects

Custom Designs & Installations: Boulder retaining walls, culverts, driveways, fire pits, grading, mulching, plantings, river rock drainage, sod, stone pathways, stone steps

Materials: Annuals, concrete, gravel, manmade stone, metal, mulch, natural stone, perennials, piping, river rock, shrubs, sod, trees, and wood.

Warranties: All work for one year.

Note: If Josh installs a permanent irrigation system or a drip line with a timer for plants and/or shrubs, these plantings will also be covered for one year as long as they are free of wildlife or domestic animal destruction.

Visit our Portfolio page for more visual examples.

Are you ready to create

an amazing outdoor living space?